KWD to PKR Exchange Rate Today

KWD to PKR Exchange Rate Today & Currency Converter 2025

You can find out Kuwait to Pakistani Rupee Exchange Rate today Sunday in 9 February 2025; As shown below:

1 Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) = 908.45 Pakistani Rupee (PKR)

PKR to KWD Rate Today Live 9 February 2025

You can find out Pakistani Rupee to Kuwaiti Dinar Exchange Rate Today Sunday in 9 February 2025; As shown below:

1 Pakistani Rupee (PKR) = 0.0011007 Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD)

Convert Kuwaiti Dinar to Pakistani Rupee

By the following table you can find Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) to Pakistani Rupee (PKR) conversion rate:

🇰🇼 Kuwaiti Dinar🇵🇰 Pakistani Rupee
1 KWD=908.45 PKR
5 KWD=4,542.25 PKR
10 KWD=9,084.50 PKR
25 KWD=22,711.25 PKR
50 KWD=45,422.50 PKR
100 KWD=90,845.00 PKR
200 KWD=181,690.00 PKR
500 KWD=454,225.00 PKR
1000 KWD=908,450.00 PKR

Convert Pakistani Rupee to Kuwaiti Dinar

By the following table, you can find out Pakistani Rupee (PKR) to Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) conversion rate:

🇵🇰 Pakistani Rupee🇰🇼 Kuwaiti Dinar
1 PKR=0.0011007 KWD
5 PKR=0.0055035 KWD
10 PKR=0.0110070 KWD
25 PKR=0.0275175 KWD
50 PKR=0.0550350 KWD
100 PKR=0.1100700 KWD
200 PKR=0.2201400 KWD
500 PKR=0.5503500 KWD
1000 PKR=1.10 KWD

Kuwaiti Dinar KWD

The Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) is the official currency of the Kuwait and you can view all information about Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) by the following tips:

  • Currency of Kuwait: Kuwaiti Dinar.
  • The Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) is the currency used in Kuwait.
  • Code of the Kuwaiti Dinar: KWD.
  • Coins of the Kuwaiti Dinar: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 fils.
  • Paper notes of the Kuwaiti Dinar: ¼, ½, 1, 5, 10, 20 dinars.
  • Subunit of the Kuwaiti Dinar currency: fils.
  • 1 fils = 1 / 1000 Kuwaiti Dinars
  • Central Bank of Kuwait: Central Bank of Kuwait.

Al Mulla Exchange Rate KWD To INR Today

Pakistani Rupee PKR

The Pakistani Rupee (PKR) is the official currency of the Pakistan and its currency symbol is ₨,and you can view all information about Pakistani Rupee (PKR) by the following tips:

  • Currency of Pakistan : Pakistani Rupee.
  • The Pakistani Rupee (PKR) is the currency used in Pakistan .
  • Code of the Pakistani Rupee: PKR.
  • Symbol of the Pakistani Rupee: ₨.
  • Coins of the Pakistani Rupee: Freq used ₨1, ₨2, ₨5.
  • Subunit of the Pakistani Rupee currency:  Paisa.
  • Minor unit symbol: Paisa.
  • 1 Paisa= 1 / 100 Pakistani Rupee.
  • Central Bank of Pakistan: State Bank of Pakistan.

Exchange Rate Today Pakistan

Currency converter KWD to PKR

By the following currency converter, you can convert from Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) to Pakistani Rupee (PKR) rate simply, you have to enter the amount you want to convert, then press on the “Convert” button.

KWD to PKR Converter
🇰🇼KWD - Kuwaiti Dinar
🇵🇰PKR - Pakistani Rupee
Kuwaiti Dinar =
Pakistani Rupee
1 PKR = 0.0011007 KWD

Currency converter PKR to KWD

By the following currency converter, you can convert from Pakistani Rupee (PKR) to Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) by rate simply, you have to enter the amount you want to convert, then press on the “Convert” button.

PKR to KWD Converter
🇵🇰PKR - Pakistani Rupee
🇰🇼KWD - Kuwaiti Dinar
Pakistani Rupee =
Kuwaiti Dinar
1 KWD = 908.51 PKR

Historical Trends in KWD-PKR Exchange Rate

By the following table, you can find out the changes in the exchange rate of the Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) against the Pakistani Rupee (PKR) :

DateRate (1 KWD)Percentage Change
2025-02-09908.45 (PKR)+0.437%
2025-02-08904.49 (PKR)-0.01%
2025-02-07904.58 (PKR)+0.01%
2025-02-06904.49 (PKR)+0.083%
2025-02-05903.74 (PKR)+98.017%
2025-02-04456.40 (PKR)-50.307%
2025-02-03918.43 (PKR)+1.444%

Historical Trends in PKR-KWD Exchange Rate

By the following table, you can find out the changes in the exchange rate of the Pakistani Rupee (PKR) against the Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) :

DateRate (1 PKR)Percentage Change
2025-02-090.0011007 (KWD)-0.434%
2025-02-080.0011055 (KWD)+0.009%
2025-02-070.0011054 (KWD)-0.009%
2025-02-060.0011055 (KWD)-0.081%
2025-02-050.0011065 (KWD)-49.5%
2025-02-040.0021910 (KWD)+101.24%
2025-02-030.0010888 (KWD)-1.421%

KWD-PKR Exchange Rate the Last Two Days

In the following table, You can view the Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) to Pakistani Rupee (PKR) exchange rate in the last two days :

1 KWD908.45 PKR904.49 PKR
5 KWD4,542.25 PKR4,522.45 PKR
10 KWD9,084.50 PKR9,044.90 PKR
25 KWD22,711.25 PKR22,612.25 PKR
50 KWD45,422.50 PKR45,224.50 PKR
100 KWD90,845.00 PKR90,449.00 PKR
200 KWD181,690.00 PKR180,898.00 PKR
500 KWD454,225.00 PKR452,245.00 PKR
1000 KWD908,450.00 PKR904,490.00 PKR

PKR-KWD Exchange Rate the Last Two Days

In the following table, You can view the Pakistani Rupee (PKR) to Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) exchange rate in the last two days:

1 PKR0.0011007 KWD0.0011055 KWD
5 PKR0.0055035 KWD0.0055275 KWD
10 PKR0.0110070 KWD0.0110550 KWD
25 PKR0.0275175 KWD0.0276375 KWD
50 PKR0.0550350 KWD0.0552750 KWD
100 PKR0.1100700 KWD0.1105500 KWD
200 PKR0.2201400 KWD0.2211000 KWD
500 PKR0.5503500 KWD0.5527500 KWD
1000 PKR1.10 KWD1.11 KWD

Forecasts affecting KWD to PKR exchange rate

The exchange rate of the Kuwaiti Dinar to the Pakistani Rupee is affected by many factors, the most important of which are the following:

  • Economic stability: The exchange rate in Kuwait and Pakistan is linked to the internal economic stability of the country, and when the country suffers from periods of economic instability, foreign investments decrease, foreign exchange earnings decrease, and the price of the local currency decreases.
  • Inflation rates and economic recession: Factors of economic inflation, unemployment, and recession can also contribute to the decline in the price of the local currency, and the economy must be stimulated to improve the exchange rate.
  • Interest rate: In both the Central Bank of Kuwait and the Central Bank of Pakistan, which can affect the exchange rate and conversion from the Kuwaiti Dinar to the Pakistani Rupee.
  • Global oil prices: The Kuwaiti Dinar currency is clearly affected by the price of oil because it is the largest source of income in the country.
  • Political changes: A country that suffers from political and internal instability is less attractive to foreign investment, which contributes to low economic growth, high unemployment rates, recession, and a decline in the exchange rate of the local currency.
  • Economic performance: It is one of the basic and important factors, as the US economy forms the basis of the dollar exchange rate against other currencies, as this is affected by the growth of the gross domestic product, the rate of employment and industrial production.
  • Supply and demand: All currencies are affected by the rate of supply and demand. When the demand for a particular currency increases, the exchange rate rises, and in return, when supply and demand are balanced, the currency price tends to stabilize.
  • Inflation: The inflation rate directly affects the US economy and the Kuwaiti economy, as low inflation rates can cause the currency price to rise.
  • Government debt: Government debt affects the exchange rate of the Kuwaiti dinar and the US dollar, as high government debt rates can cause a lack of confidence in the economy, which contributes to a decrease in the value of the currency.

Exchange Rate Today Pakistan

KWD to PKR History in Last 90 Days

By the next chart, You can find out the exchange rate changes from Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) to the Pakistani rupee (PKR):

Ways to Exchange Kuwaiti Dinar to Pakistani Rupee

It is possible to know the exchange rate of the Kuwaiti dinar against the Pakistani rupee through the following points:

  • Through bank branches and exchange companies in Kuwait: As exchange companies in Kuwait and banks provide the service of knowing foreign currency rates directly and instantly.
  • Online through the websites of exchange companies and banks: And through the applications of banks and exchange companies, where the customer can use the electronic foreign currency converter to follow the exchange rate of the Kuwaiti dinar against the Pakistani rupee.
  • Through electronic transfer platforms: As many electronic platforms provide a foreign currency converter through which the exchange rate of the Kuwaiti dinar against the Pakistani rupee can be known directly and instantly.

Exchange Rate Today Pakistan

KWD to PKR Forecast

The Kuwaiti Dinar to Pakistani Rupee exchange rate cannot be predicted. The following are the most important factors that can help predict future exchange rates:

  • Following economic experts: Economic experts develop a set of algorithms that can help them predict the Kuwaiti Dinar to Pakistani Rupee exchange rate. Experts rely on developing these algorithms based on historical changes in the Kuwaiti Dinar to Egyptian Pound exchange rate.
  • Following exchange rates: Through the online foreign currency converter, it is possible to monitor changes in the Kuwaiti Dinar to Pakistani Rupee exchange rate and make future predictions of how the exchange rate will change in the coming periods.

Exchange Rate Today Pakistan

Where to convert Kuwaiti Dinar to Pakistani Rupee

The Kuwaiti Dinar can be converted to Pakistani Rupee in one of the following ways:

  • Transfer in person: By visiting the branches of exchange companies and some banks in Kuwait, where the amounts of money are delivered to the branches to be converted from Kuwaiti Dinar to Pakistani Rupee and receive the required value in Pakistani Rupee.
  • Transfer online through the exchange companies’ website: And through the websites of banks that provide electronic transfer services, where the customer must register and create an account, then choose the currency to which the transfer is required and complete the required steps.
  • Transfer online through the applications of exchange companies and banks: The application is downloaded, registered, then logged in, then the transfer steps are completed after specifying the currency to which the transfer is required, which is the Pakistani Rupee.

Exchange Rate Today Pakistan

Questions & Answers

How much is 20 Kuwaiti dinar in Pakistani rupees?

How much is 20 Kuwaiti dinar in Pakistani rupees?

20 KWD is 18,168.91 PKR.

How much is 300 Kuwaiti dinar in Pakistani rupees?

How much is 300 Kuwaiti dinar in Pakistani rupees?

300 KWD is 272,533.62 PKR.

How much is 70 Kuwaiti dinar in Pakistani rupees?

How much is 70 Kuwaiti dinar in Pakistani rupees?

70 KWD is 63,591.18 PKR.

How much is 90 Kuwaiti dinar in Pakistani rupees?

How much is 90 Kuwaiti dinar in Pakistani rupees?

90 KWD is 81,760.09 PKR.

How much is 110 Kuwaiti dinar in Pakistani rupees?

How much is 110 Kuwaiti dinar in Pakistani rupees?

110 KWD is 99,928.99 PKR.