
Fedex Kuwait Tracking Online

You can track your shipments and parcels through the tracking service provided by FedEx Kuwait website, by the following link listed below:

FedEx Kuwait Tracking Online Steps

Here are the steps to track your shipments and parcels online through FedEx Kuwait website:

  • Go to FedEx Kuwait official website “from here”.
  • Press “Tracking Number”.

FedEx Kuwait Tracking Online Steps

  • Enter your tracking number in the designated field. 
  • Click “Track”.
  • Check your shipment tracking details and status.

FedEx Kuwait Tracking Online Steps

FedEx Kuwait Tracking by Reference

You can use FedEx Kuwait tracking by reference number, as follows:

  • Visit FedEx Kuwait website “from here”.
  • Select “Track by Reference”.

FedEx Kuwait Tracking by Reference Steps

  • Enter your reference number in the designated field. 
  • Select your shipment destination.
  • Click on “Track”.
  • Check your shipment details as shown. 

FedEx Kuwait Tracking via TCN

The following steps are for tracking shipment through FedEx Kuwait by transportation control number (TCN):

  • Go to FedEx Kuwait website main page “from here”.
  • Press “Track by TCN”.
  • Provide your TCN number. 
  • Choose the shipping date.
  • Click “Track”.
  • Review the shipment information on display.

FedEx Kuwait Proof of Delivery Steps

You can obtain a proof of your shipment deliverance through FedEx Kuwait website, by following these steps:

  • Enter FedEx Kuwait website “from here”.
  • Select “Obtain proof of delivery” option.
  • Provide your tracking number (up to 30 tracking number allowed).
  • Press “Track”.
  • Click on “View PDF”.
  • Open the PDF file of your shipment proof of delivery.

Questions & Answers

What is FedEx Kuwait tracking?

What is FedEx Kuwait tracking?

FedEx Kuwait tracking allows users to monitor their shipments and parcels in real time through the official FedEx website.

How can I track my FedEx shipment in Kuwait?

How can I track my FedEx shipment in Kuwait?

You can track your shipment by entering your tracking number on the FedEx Kuwait tracking page.

Can I track my shipment without a tracking number?

Can I track my shipment without a tracking number?

Yes, you can use the reference number or transportation control number (TCN) to track your shipment.

What is the TCN tracking option in FedEx Kuwait?

What is the TCN tracking option in FedEx Kuwait?

The TCN (Transportation Control Number) option allows you to track government or military-related shipments.

What if my FedEx tracking information is not updating?

What if my FedEx tracking information is not updating?

If your tracking details are not updating, contact FedEx Kuwait customer service for assistance.