DHL Contact Number Kuwait

You can reach out for DHL in Kuwait via the contact number provided by DHL Kuwait, through the following details below:

Phone Number:
Phone Number:

How to Contact DHL Kuwait

You can check all the available channels to get in touch with DHL Kuwait, as follows:

Contact Channel Contact Information
DHL Kuwait Local Phone Number 1808345
DHL Kuwait International Phone Number 9651808345
DHL WhatsApp 17013808088
DHL Facebook from here
DHL YouTube from here
DHL Instagram from here
DHL LinkedIn from here

Questions & Answers

What is the local DHL contact number in Kuwait?

What is the local DHL contact number in Kuwait?

The local DHL contact number in Kuwait is 1808345. You can use this number for general inquiries, shipment tracking, and other support services within Kuwait.

How can I contact DHL Kuwait from abroad?

How can I contact DHL Kuwait from abroad?

To reach DHL Kuwait from outside the country, you can call +9651808345. This number provides access to DHL’s international support team for assistance with shipments.

Does DHL Kuwait offer WhatsApp support?

Does DHL Kuwait offer WhatsApp support?

Yes, DHL Kuwait provides WhatsApp support at 17013808088. This service allows you to communicate quickly and efficiently with their customer care team.

Are there social media platforms to reach DHL Kuwait?

Are there social media platforms to reach DHL Kuwait?

Yes, DHL Kuwait is active on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. You can contact them through these platforms for inquiries, updates, and announcements.

Can I track my shipment through the contact numbers?

Can I track my shipment through the contact numbers?

Yes, by calling 1808345 or +9651808345, you can get help with tracking your shipment. The customer service team will provide the latest updates on your package.