الغابة الصغيرة the little jungle

Little Jungle Kuwait Timing 2025

You can find out The Little Jungle Kuwait opening hours provided by The Little Jungle by the following table listed below:

Day Opening hours 
Sunday From 12:00 PM until 21:00 PM.
Monday From 12:00 PM until 21:00 PM.
Tuesday From 12:00 PM until 21:00 PM.
Wednesday From 12:00 PM until 21:00 PM.
Thursday From 12:00 PM until 21:00 PM.
Friday From 10:00 AM until 21:00 PM.
Saturday From 10:00 AM until 21:00 PM.

Little Jungle Kuwait Timing on Sunday

The Little Jungle Kuwait opens its doors to visitors on Sunday at 12:00 PM and its activities continue until 21:00 PM. The Little Jungle in Kuwait attracts many visitors of all ages to participate in various and unique activities.

Little Jungle Kuwait Timing on Sunday

Little Jungle Kuwait Timing on Friday

The Little Jungle Kuwait visitors are welcomed on Friday from 10:00 AM to 21:00 PM, where there is an entertainment and fun environment that suits different categories, including horse riding, photography, animal watching, and more.

Little Jungle Kuwait Timing on Friday 

Read more: Little Jungle Ticket Price | Little Jungle Location | Little Jungle Contact Number

Questions & Answers

Does The Little Jungle Kuwait open on Saturday?

Does The Little Jungle Kuwait open on Saturday?

Yes, The Little Jungle Kuwait opens on Saturday from 10:00 AM until 21:00 PM.

Is Friday a holiday at The Little Jungle Kuwait?

Is Friday a holiday at The Little Jungle Kuwait?

No, Friday isn't a holiday at The Little Jungle Kuwait, as it opens from 10:00 PM until 21:00 PM.

When does Little Jungle Kuwait close?

When does Little Jungle Kuwait close?

Little Jungle Kuwait closes at 21:00 PM all working days.

When do The Little Jungle Kuwait barns close?

When do The Little Jungle Kuwait barns close?

The Little Jungle Kuwait barns close at sunset.

How many days a week is The Little Jungle in Kuwait open?

How many days a week is The Little Jungle in Kuwait open?

The Little Jungle in Kuwait opens every day of the week but the hours on Friday and Saturday are different from other days.