دولة الكويت

Kuwait Liberation Day 2025

Below is the date of Kuwait Liberation Day for the year 2025 AD:

  • Kuwait Liberation Day date: 26/February/2025 AD.

Is Liberation Day a Public holiday in Kuwait

Liberation Day in Kuwait is one of the official holidays and national occasions celebrated by Kuwaitis of all of society. Workers in all sectors of work receive a paid leave on the occasion of Liberation Day or an additional wages to the salary for employees in jobs that require continuous work during holidays and vacations.

How many days is the Liberation Day holiday in Kuwait

The government and private sectors and educational institutions in Kuwait will be closed for one day on the occasion of Liberation Day, which falls on 26th February. 2025 AD, as the cities and regions of Kuwait witness huge celebrations and special events to commemorate the defeat of Iraqi invasion and the liberation of Kuwaiti lands during the Second Gulf War.

How many days until kuwait Liberation day

The following timer shows how much remains for Kuwait Liberation Day 2025:

How many days until kuwait Liberation day
  Days   Hours   Minutes   Seconds

Read more: National Day

Questions & Answers

Do government institutions in Kuwait close on Liberation Day?

Do government institutions in Kuwait close on Liberation Day?

Yes, government institutions in Kuwait close on the occasion of Liberation Day.

How many days is the Liberation Day holiday in Kuwait?

How many days is the Liberation Day holiday in Kuwait?

The Liberation Day holiday in Kuwait is only one day.

When is Liberation Day in Kuwait?

When is Liberation Day in Kuwait?

Liberation Day in Kuwait is on 26th February of each year.

What is the reason for celebrating Liberation Day in Kuwait?

What is the reason for celebrating Liberation Day in Kuwait?

The reason for celebrating Liberation Day in Kuwait is the liberation of Kuwait's territory and the exit of Iraqi invasion.

When was the liberation of Kuwait from Iraqi invasion?

When was the liberation of Kuwait from Iraqi invasion?

The liberation of Kuwait from Iraqi invasion dates backs to 26th February. 1991 AD.