KWD to BDT Exchange Rate Today & Currency Converter 2025

You can find out Kuwait to Bangladesh Taka Exchange Rate today Wednesday in 19 February 2025; As shown below:

1 Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) = 393.81 Bangladeshi Taka (BDT)

BDT to KWD Rate Today Live 19 February 2025

You can find out Bangladesh Taka to Kuwaiti Dinar Exchange Rate Today Wednesday in 19 February 2025; As shown below:

1 Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) = 0.0025393 Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD)

Convert Kuwaiti Dinar to Bangladesh Taka

By the following table you can find Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) to Bangladesh Taka (BDT) conversion rate:

🇰🇼 Kuwaiti Dinar🇧🇩 Bangladeshi Taka
1 KWD=393.81 BDT
5 KWD=1,969.05 BDT
10 KWD=3,938.10 BDT
25 KWD=9,845.25 BDT
50 KWD=19,690.50 BDT
100 KWD=39,381.00 BDT
200 KWD=78,762.00 BDT
500 KWD=196,905.00 BDT
1000 KWD=393,810.00 BDT

Convert Bangladesh Taka to Kuwaiti Dinar

By the following table, you can find out Bangladesh Taka (BDT) to Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) conversion rate:

🇧🇩 Bangladeshi Taka🇰🇼 Kuwaiti Dinar
1 BDT=0.0025393 KWD
5 BDT=0.0126965 KWD
10 BDT=0.0253930 KWD
25 BDT=0.0634825 KWD
50 BDT=0.1269650 KWD
100 BDT=0.2539300 KWD
200 BDT=0.5078600 KWD
500 BDT=1.27 KWD
1000 BDT=2.54 KWD

Kuwaiti Dinar KWD

The Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) is the official currency of the Kuwait and you can view all information about Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) by the following points:

  • Currency of Kuwait: Kuwaiti Dinar.
  • The Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) is the currency used in Kuwait.
  • Code of the Kuwaiti Dinar: KWD.
  • Coins of the Kuwaiti Dinar: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 fils.
  • Paper notes of the Kuwaiti Dinar: ¼, ½, 1, 5, 10, 20 dinars.
  • Subunit of the Kuwaiti Dinar currency: fils.
  • 1 fils = 1 / 1000 Kuwaiti Dinars
  • Central Bank of Kuwait: Central Bank of Kuwait.

Al Mulla Exchange Rate KWD To INR Today

Bangladeshi Taka BDT

The Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) is the official currency of the Bangladesh and its currency symbol is ₹,and you can view all information about Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) by the following tips:

  • Currency of Bangladesh: Bangladeshi Taka.
  • The Bangladeshi Taka (KWD) is the currency used in Bangladesh.
  • Code of the Bangladeshi Taka: BDT.
  • Symbol of the Bangladeshi Taka:.
  • Coins of the Bangladeshi Taka:Tk1, Tk2, Tk5.
  • Paper notes of the Kuwaiti Dinar: Tk2, Tk5, Tk10, Tk20, Tk50, Tk100, Tk500, Tk1000.
  • Subunit of the Bangladeshi Taka currency: poisha.
  • Minor unit symbol: p.
  • 1 poisha= 1 / 100 Bangladeshi Taka.
  • Central Bank of Bangladesh: Central Bank of Bangladesh.

Currency converter KWD to BDT

By the following currency converter, you can convert from Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) to Bangladesh Taka (BDT) rate simply, you have to enter the amount you want to convert, then press on the “Convert” button.

KWD to BDT Converter
🇰🇼KWD - Kuwaiti Dinar
🇧🇩BDT - Bangladeshi Taka
Kuwaiti Dinar =
Bangladeshi Taka
1 BDT = 0.0025392 KWD

Currency converter BDT to KWD

By the following currency converter, you can convert from Bangladesh Taka (BDT) to Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) by rate simply, you have to enter the amount you want to convert, then press on the “Convert” button.

BDT to KWD Converter
🇧🇩BDT - Bangladeshi Taka
🇰🇼KWD - Kuwaiti Dinar
Bangladeshi Taka =
Kuwaiti Dinar
1 KWD = 393.81 BDT

KWD to BDT Meaning

The exchange rate of the Kuwaiti Dinar against the Bangladeshi Taka can give many important indicators such as:

  • Economic stability: as the exchange rate of the Kuwaiti Dinar and the Bangladeshi Taka is affected by the economic stability of both Kuwait and Bangladesh, and the stronger the currency, the better the exchange rate.
  • Political changes: as currencies are also affected by changes in exchange rates, and when the exchange rate is stable, this can express the political and internal stability of the country.
  • The volume of remittances: The exchange rate changes with the change in the volume of remittances of foreign currencies, as the availability of foreign currency contributes to the stability of the local currency price.

Al Mulla Exchange Rate Today Bangladesh

Historical Trends in KWD-BDT Exchange Rate

By the following table, you can find out the changes in the exchange rate of the Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) against the Bangladesh Taka (BDT) :

DateRate (1 KWD)Percentage Change
2025-02-19393.81 (BDT)+0.183%
2025-02-18393.09 (BDT)+0.039%
2025-02-17392.94 (BDT)-0%
2025-02-16392.94 (BDT)-0.025%
2025-02-15393.04 (BDT)-0.308%
2025-02-14394.25 (BDT)+0.232%
2025-02-13393.34 (BDT)+0.005%

Historical Trends in BDT-KWD Exchange Rate

By the following table, you can find out the changes in the exchange rate of the Bangladesh Taka (BDT) against the Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) :

DateRate (1 BDT)Percentage Change
2025-02-190.0025393 (KWD)-0.181%
2025-02-180.0025439 (KWD)-0.039%
2025-02-170.0025449 (KWD)0%
2025-02-160.0025449 (KWD)+0.024%
2025-02-150.0025442 (KWD)+0.308%
2025-02-140.0025364 (KWD)-0.228%
2025-02-130.0025423 (KWD)-0.008%

KWD to BDT Forecast

Here are the most important things that help you predict the exchange rate of the Kuwaiti Dinar against the Bangladeshi Taka:

  • Continuously follow exchange rate bulletins: as the economic observer can predict the exchange rate of the Kuwaiti Dinar against the Bangladeshi Taka during the coming periods by monitoring the current changes in the exchange rate and deducing the most important factors that can contribute to the change in the exchange rate.
  • Following economic experts: as economic experts make predictions that are very close to reality through specific algorithms that were built by tracking the exchange rate over long periods, and these algorithms contribute to predicting the exchange rate of the Kuwaiti Dinar against the Bangladeshi Taka.

KWD-BDT Exchange Rate the Last Two Days

In the following table, You can view the Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) to Bangladesh Taka (BDT) exchange rate in the last two days :

1 KWD393.81 BDT393.09 BDT
5 KWD1,969.05 BDT1,965.45 BDT
10 KWD3,938.10 BDT3,930.90 BDT
25 KWD9,845.25 BDT9,827.25 BDT
50 KWD19,690.50 BDT19,654.50 BDT
100 KWD39,381.00 BDT39,309.00 BDT
200 KWD78,762.00 BDT78,618.00 BDT
500 KWD196,905.00 BDT196,545.00 BDT
1000 KWD393,810.00 BDT393,090.00 BDT

BDT-KWD Exchange Rate the Last Two Days

In the following table, You can view the Bangladesh Taka (BDT) to Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) exchange rate in the last two days:

1 BDT0.0025393 KWD0.0025439 KWD
5 BDT0.0126965 KWD0.0127195 KWD
10 BDT0.0253930 KWD0.0254390 KWD
25 BDT0.0634825 KWD0.0635975 KWD
50 BDT0.1269650 KWD0.1271950 KWD
100 BDT0.2539300 KWD0.2543900 KWD
200 BDT0.5078600 KWD0.5087800 KWD
500 BDT1.27 KWD1.27 KWD
1000 BDT2.54 KWD2.54 KWD

KWD to BDT History in Last 90 Days

By the next chart, You can find out the exchange rate changes from Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) to the Bangladesh Taka (BDT):

Forecasts affecting the exchange rate of the KWD against BDT

You can learn about the most important factors that can affect the exchange rate of the Kuwaiti dinar against the Bangladeshi taka through the following points:

  • Macroeconomic factors: These factors include interest rates set by both the central bank in Kuwait and in Bangladesh. Currency prices are also affected by high inflation rates, which can cause a lack of investment attraction and a decline in the value of the currency, in addition to other factors such as large government debt, which negatively affects the attraction of investors, in addition to the trade balance, as the trade surplus increases the strength of the currency while the trade deficit contributes to the decline in its value.
  • Market sentiment factors: The currency market is affected by the political stability of the country, as political stability attracts foreign investors, which increases the strength of the currency. Speculative factors can also affect the price of currencies, as the expectation of a decline in the currency price can contribute to a decrease in demand for it and thus a decrease in its value.
  • Lack of appetite for risk: as many investors stay away from less stable currencies, which contributes to a decrease in its value. Conversely, stable currencies are attractive to investors, which helps to enhance their value.
  • Commodity prices: as the price of some commodities can affect the currency of some countries. For example, the Kuwaiti dinar is greatly affected by the global price of oil, and a decrease in oil prices can cause a decrease in the value of the currencies of oil-producing countries.
  • External factors: as some factors affect exchange rate changes, such as global economic changes, wars, economic developments in major economies, global financial crises, and financial market movements

Al Mulla Exchange Rate Today Bangladesh

Where to Exchange KWD to BDT

You can transfer from Kuwaiti Dinar to Bangladeshi currency through one of the following methods:

  • Through exchange companies in Kuwait: where Kuwaiti exchange companies provide foreign currency exchange services and services for transferring money from Kuwaiti Dinar to other foreign currencies through their branches, websites, or smart applications.
  • Through local banks in Kuwait: where some banks in Kuwait provide currency exchange services and transfer money abroad according to the policy of each bank
  • Through digital transfer platforms: that provide money transfer and foreign currency exchange services.

Al Mulla Exchange Rate Today Bangladesh

Tips for converting Kuwaiti Dinar to Canadian Dollar

Here are some tips to follow to get the best exchange rate from Kuwaiti Dinar to BDT:

  • Transfer during periods of currency stability: where those wishing to transfer should monitor the exchange rate from Kuwaiti Dinar to Bangladeshi Taka and choose periods when the exchange rate is stable.
  • Use an online currency converter: where a currency converter can help you identify exchange rates before transferring money.

Questions & Answers

How much is 10 Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) in Bangladeshi Takas (BDT)?

How much is 10 Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) in Bangladeshi Takas (BDT)?

10 Kuwaiti Dinar is 3,938.09 Bangladeshi Takas.

How much is 35 Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) in Bangladeshi Takas (BDT)?

How much is 35 Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) in Bangladeshi Takas (BDT)?

35 Kuwaiti Dinar is 13,783.32 Bangladeshi Takas.

How much is 50 Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) in Bangladeshi Takas (BDT)?

How much is 50 Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) in Bangladeshi Takas (BDT)?

50 Kuwaiti Dinar is 19,690.46 Bangladeshi Takas.

How much is 70 Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) in Bangladeshi Takas (BDT)?

How much is 70 Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) in Bangladeshi Takas (BDT)?

70 Kuwaiti Dinar is 27,566.65 Bangladeshi Takas.

How much is 90 Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) in Bangladeshi Takas (BDT)?

How much is 90 Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) in Bangladeshi Takas (BDT)?

90 Kuwaiti Dinar is 35,442.83 Bangladeshi Takas.