KWD to INR Exchange Rate Today & Currency Converter 2025

You can find out Exchange Rate Kuwait to Indian Rupees today Sunday in 9 February 2025; As shown below:

1 Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) = 284.50 Indian Rupee (INR)

INR to KWD Rate Today Live 9 February 2025

You can find out Indian Rupees to Kuwaiti Dinar Exchange Rate Today Sunday in 9 February 2025; As shown below:

1 Indian Rupee (INR) = 0.0035148 Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD)

Kuwaiti Dinar KWD

The Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) is the official currency of the Kuwait and you can view all information about Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) by the following tips:

  • Currency of Kuwait: Kuwaiti Dinar.
  • The Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) is the currency used in Kuwait.
  • Code of the Kuwaiti Dinar: KWD.
  • Coins of the Kuwaiti Dinar: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 fils.
  • Paper notes of the Kuwaiti Dinar: ¼, ½, 1, 5, 10, 20 dinars.
  • Subunit of the Kuwaiti Dinar currency: fils.
  • 1 fils = 1 / 1000 Kuwaiti Dinars
  • Central Bank of Kuwait: Central Bank of Kuwait.

Al Mulla Exchange Rate KWD To INR Today

Indian Rupee INR

The Indian Rupee (INR) is the official currency of the India and its currency symbol is ₹,and you can view all information about Indian Rupee (INR) by the following tips:

  • Currency of India: Indian Rupee.
  • The Indian Rupee (KWD) is the currency used in India.
  • Code of the Indian Rupee: INR.
  • Symbol of the Indian Rupee: ₹.
  • Coins of the Indian Rupee: ₹1, ₹2, ₹5, ₹10, p50.
  • Subunit of the Indian Rupee currency: paisa.
  • Minor unit symbol: p.
  • 1 paisa= 1 / 100 Indian Rupee.
  • Central Bank of India: Central Bank of India.

Al Mulla Exchange Rate KWD To INR Today

Convert Kuwaiti Dinar to Indian Rupees

By the following table you can find Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) to Indian Rupees (INR) conversion rate :

🇰🇼 Kuwaiti Dinar🇮🇳 Indian Rupee
1 KWD=284.50 INR
5 KWD=1,422.50 INR
10 KWD=2,845.00 INR
25 KWD=7,112.50 INR
50 KWD=14,225.00 INR
100 KWD=28,450.00 INR
200 KWD=56,900.00 INR
500 KWD=142,250.00 INR
1000 KWD=284,500.00 INR

Convert Indian Rupees to Kuwaiti Dinar

By the following table, you can find out Indian Rupees (INR) to Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) conversion rate :

🇮🇳 Indian Rupee🇰🇼 Kuwaiti Dinar
1 INR=0.0035148 KWD
5 INR=0.0175740 KWD
10 INR=0.0351480 KWD
25 INR=0.0878700 KWD
50 INR=0.1757400 KWD
100 INR=0.3514800 KWD
200 INR=0.7029600 KWD
500 INR=1.76 KWD
1000 INR=3.51 KWD

Money transfers from Kuwait to India

Many Indian workers residing in Kuwait transfer their money to their families in India, and many Kuwaiti citizens transfer their money to India for various reasons. Many countries in the world apply a set of policies and laws on money transfer operations, such as imposing certain fees on receiving and the currency in which money can be received. There are many banks in Kuwait and many exchange companies that provide money transfer services to all Indian banks at competitive prices.


Currency converter KWD to INR

By the following currency converter, you can convert from Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) to Indian Rupees (INR) by Al metalprice Exchange rate simply, you have to Type the amount you want to convert, then press on the “Convert” button.

KWD to INR Converter
🇰🇼KWD - Kuwaiti Dinar
🇮🇳INR - Indian Rupee
Kuwaiti Dinar =
Indian Rupee
1 INR = 0.0035149 KWD

Currency converter INR to KWD

By the following currency converter, you can convert from Indian Rupees (INR) to Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) by Al metalprice Exchange rate simply, you have to Type the amount you want to convert, then press on the “Convert” button.

INR to KWD Converter
🇮🇳INR - Indian Rupee
🇰🇼KWD - Kuwaiti Dinar
Indian Rupee =
Kuwaiti Dinar
1 KWD = 284.51 INR

Importance of converting from Indian Rupee to Kuwaiti Dinar

The conversion process from Indian Rupee to Kuwaiti Dinar does not only mean converting the Indian currency to the Kuwaiti currency, it can refer to the following points:

  • The exchange rate of the Kuwaiti Dinar against the Indian Rupee is constantly changing (and vice versa for the exchange rate of the Indian Rupee against the Kuwaiti Dinar), because the exchange rate is directly linked to currency market factors and economic, financial and political changes, which makes the exchange rate of currencies constantly volatile.
  • The exchange rate of the country’s currency is one of the factors that determine the strength of each country’s economy and since the Kuwaiti currency is one of the strongest currencies in the world, many people seek to save their money through it.


Historical Trends in KWD-INR Exchange Rate

By the following table, you can find out the changes in the exchange rate of the Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) against the Indian Rupees (INR) :

DateRate (1 KWD)Percentage Change
2025-02-09284.50 (INR)+0.002%
2025-02-08284.50 (INR)+0.215%
2025-02-07283.89 (INR)+0.268%
2025-02-06283.13 (INR)+0.292%
2025-02-05282.30 (INR)+0.239%
2025-02-04281.63 (INR)+0.365%
2025-02-03280.61 (INR)-0%

Historical Trends in INR-KWD Exchange Rate

By the following table, you can find out the changes in the exchange rate of the Indian Rupees (INR) against the Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) :

DateRate (1 INR)Percentage Change
2025-02-090.0035148 (KWD)-0.003%
2025-02-080.0035149 (KWD)-0.213%
2025-02-070.0035225 (KWD)-0.266%
2025-02-060.0035319 (KWD)-0.294%
2025-02-050.0035422 (KWD)-0.237%
2025-02-040.0035507 (KWD)-0.365%
2025-02-030.0035637 (KWD)0%

KWD-INR Exchange Rate the Last Two Days

In the following table, You can view the Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) to Indian Rupees (INR) exchange rate in the last two days :

1 KWD284.50 INR284.50 INR
5 KWD1,422.50 INR1,422.50 INR
10 KWD2,845.00 INR2,845.00 INR
25 KWD7,112.50 INR7,112.50 INR
50 KWD14,225.00 INR14,225.00 INR
100 KWD28,450.00 INR28,450.00 INR
200 KWD56,900.00 INR56,900.00 INR
500 KWD142,250.00 INR142,250.00 INR
1000 KWD284,500.00 INR284,500.00 INR

INR-KWD Exchange Rate the Last Two Days

In the following table, You can view the Indian Rupees (INR) to Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) exchange rate in the last two days :

1 INR0.0035148 KWD0.0035149 KWD
5 INR0.0175740 KWD0.0175745 KWD
10 INR0.0351480 KWD0.0351490 KWD
25 INR0.0878700 KWD0.0878725 KWD
50 INR0.1757400 KWD0.1757450 KWD
100 INR0.3514800 KWD0.3514900 KWD
200 INR0.7029600 KWD0.7029800 KWD
500 INR1.76 KWD1.76 KWD
1000 INR3.51 KWD3.51 KWD

KWD to INR History in Last 90 Days

By the next chart, You can find out the exchange rate changes from Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) to the Indian Rupees (INR):

KWD to INR Meaning

Converting from Kuwaiti Dinar to Indian Rupee has great importance and meaning such as:

  • The economic strength of the two countries: as the strength of the currency reflects the strength and economic health of the country and is considered an important indicator of this. The Kuwaiti currency is stronger than the Indian currency, and the Kuwaiti economy is stronger than the Indian economy.
  • Global changes: The exchange rate is an indicator of major changes occurring inside and outside the country, as economic and political changes affect the exchange rate and changes in the exchange rate can indicate these internal changes.


KWD to INR History

Researching the history of the Kuwaiti Dinar to Indian Rupee exchange rate changes can give insight into the following:

  • Past patterns: By observing the changes in the Kuwaiti Dinar to Indian Rupee exchange rate, we can deduce several patterns and algorithms that can help predict the change in the Kuwaiti Dinar to Indian Rupee exchange rate in the future.
  • Important fundamental events: The exchange rate is linked to economic and political changes, and periods of sharp rise or fall are usually accompanied by important events and historical changes in the policy of the two countries’ central banks, such as changing the interest rate and others.


Where can you get the best exchange rate for Kuwaiti Dinar to Indian Rupee?

You can exchange Kuwaiti Dinar to Indian Rupee or vice versa according to the exchange rates for a specific fee through several methods such as:

  • Foreign exchange market to transfer money in person from Kuwaiti Dinar to Indian Rupee.
    Local banks, credit unions and online exchange companies through the banks’ or exchange companies’ websites or by visiting bank branches and exchange companies.
  • International banks that have ATMs abroad (especially at airports).
  • Various mobile applications developed by exchange companies and banks in Kuwait for use in
  • Online transfers and adding a foreign currency converter service to it to be used to know the exchange rate.
  • Internet platforms or currency conversion sites.


Questions & Answers

How much is 1 Kuwaiti dinar in rupees in India?

How much is 1 Kuwaiti dinar in rupees in India?

1 KWD is 284.50 INR.

How much is 11 Kuwaiti dinar in rupees in India?

How much is 11 Kuwaiti dinar in rupees in India?

11 KWD is 3,129.54 INR.

How much is 15 Kuwaiti dinar in rupees in India?

How much is 15 Kuwaiti dinar in rupees in India?

15 KWD is 4,267.56 INR.

How much is 18 Kuwaiti dinar in rupees in India?

How much is 18 Kuwaiti dinar in rupees in India?

18 KWD is 5,121.07 INR.

How much is 20 Kuwaiti dinar in rupees in India?

How much is 20 Kuwaiti dinar in rupees in India?

20 KWD is 5,690.08 INR.