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STC Kuwait Customer Care Number

You can find out STC Kuwait Customer Care Number provided by STC company in Kuwait  by the information listed below:

Phone Number:

STC Kuwait Customer Care Number Whatsapp

STC customers in Kuwait can contact the company’s customer service team through the following WhatsApp number:

  • STC Kuwait Customer Care Number Whatsapp: 50055102.

STC Number Kuwait for Companies

STC business customers in Kuwait can contact with company by calling business service team through the following STC business number:

  • STC Kuwait Customer Care Number for business: 155.

STC Number from Outside Kuwait

STC customers can contact STC company’s customer service team through the following number pacified for customers Outside Kuwait:

  • STC Kuwait Customer Care Number Outside Kuwait: +96555102102

How to contact STC Kuwait

You can contact STC Kuwait by the points listed in the table below:

Contact with STC for business
  • Address: Olympia Tower Branch, Salmiya, Salem Al Mubarak Street, Olympia Tower, Mezzanine 2
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Working hours: from Sunday to Thursday from 09:00 am to 04:00 pm, Friday and Saturday closed.
Contact with STC for Baity Customer
  • Address: STC Branch – Marina Mall, Salem Al Mubarak Street, Salmiya
  • Phone: 1827827.
  • Fax: 22414357
  • Technical Support Center: 1804444
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Working hours: From 10:00 am to 05:00 pm from Sunday to Thursday.
STC Company Branches From Here
STC Kuwait account on Facebook From here
STC Kuwait account on Instagram From here
STC Kuwait account on LinkedIn From here

Questions & Answers

How do I contact STC Kuwait?

How do I contact STC Kuwait?

By calling 102, visiting STC branches, or via live chat via the app or the official website.

What are the working hours of STC branches?

What are the working hours of STC branches?

Most STC branches are open all days of the week from 8 am to 12 midnight and on Friday from 4 pm to 12 midnight

How do I pay my STC Kuwait bill?

How do I pay my STC Kuwait bill?

Through the Express Payment service, through STC branches, or by logging into the user account and then clicking on the bill payment icon.

What is the stc Kuwait customer service number for Companies?

What is the stc Kuwait customer service number for Companies?

The stc Kuwait customer service number for Companies is 155

How do I talk to an STC customer service employee?

How do I talk to an STC customer service employee?

Through a WhatsApp conversation with STC, or via live chat, or by visiting the company's branches in Kuwait