Al Muzaini Exchange Rate Today Bangladesh

Al Muzaini Exchange Rate Today Bangladesh

You can find out Al Muzaini Exchange Rate Kuwait to Bangladesh Taka today Sunday in 23 February 2025; As shown below:

1 Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) = 396.01 Bangladeshi Taka (BDT)

Al Muzaini Exchange Rate KWD To BDT Today

You can find out Bangladeshi Takas to Kuwaiti Dinar Exchange Rate at Al Muzaini Exchange Today Sunday in 23 February 2025; As shown below:

1 Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) = 0.0025252 Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD)

Convert Kuwaiti Dinar to Bangladeshi Taka

By the following table you can find Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) to Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) conversion rate at Al Muzaini Exchange:

🇰🇼 Kuwaiti Dinar🇧🇩 Bangladeshi Taka
1 KWD=393.79 BDT
5 KWD=1,968.95 BDT
10 KWD=3,937.90 BDT
25 KWD=9,844.75 BDT
50 KWD=19,689.50 BDT
100 KWD=39,379.00 BDT
200 KWD=78,758.00 BDT
500 KWD=196,895.00 BDT
1000 KWD=393,790.00 BDT

Convert Bangladeshi Taka to Kuwaiti Dinar

By the following table, you can find out Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) to Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) conversion rate at Al Muzaini Exchange:

🇧🇩 Bangladeshi Taka🇰🇼 Kuwaiti Dinar
1 BDT=0.0025394 KWD
5 BDT=0.0126970 KWD
10 BDT=0.0253940 KWD
25 BDT=0.0634850 KWD
50 BDT=0.1269700 KWD
100 BDT=0.2539400 KWD
200 BDT=0.5078800 KWD
500 BDT=1.27 KWD
1000 BDT=2.54 KWD

Kuwaiti Dinar KWD

The Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) is the official currency of the Kuwait and you can view all information about Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) by the following tips:

  • Currency of Kuwait: Kuwaiti Dinar.
  • The Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) is the currency used in Kuwait.
  • Code of the Kuwaiti Dinar: KWD.
  • Coins of the Kuwaiti Dinar: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 fils.
  • Paper notes of the Kuwaiti Dinar: ¼, ½, 1, 5, 10, 20 dinars.
  • Subunit of the Kuwaiti Dinar currency: fils.
  • 1 fils = 1 / 1000 Kuwaiti Dinars
  • Central Bank of Kuwait: Central Bank of Kuwait.

Al Mulla Exchange Rate KWD To INR Today

Bangladeshi Taka BDT

The Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) is the official currency of the Bangladesh and its currency symbol is ₹,and you can view all information about Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) by the following tips:

  • Currency of Bangladesh: Bangladeshi Taka.
  • The Bangladeshi Taka (KWD) is the currency used in Bangladesh.
  • Code of the Bangladeshi Taka: BDT.
  • Symbol of the Bangladeshi Taka:.
  • Coins of the Bangladeshi Taka:Tk1, Tk2, Tk5.
  • Paper notes of the Kuwaiti Dinar: Tk2, Tk5, Tk10, Tk20, Tk50, Tk100, Tk500, Tk1000.
  • Subunit of the Bangladeshi Taka currency: poisha.
  • Minor unit symbol: p.
  • 1 poisha= 1 / 100 Bangladeshi Taka.
  • Central Bank of Bangladesh: Central Bank of Bangladesh.

Convert KWD-BDT According to the Exchange Rate at Al Muzaini

By the following currency converter, you can convert from Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) to Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) by Al Muzaini Exchange rate simply, you have to enter the amount you want to convert, then press on the “Convert” button.

KWD to BDT Converter
🇰🇼KWD - Kuwaiti Dinar
🇧🇩BDT - Bangladeshi Taka
Kuwaiti Dinar =
Bangladeshi Taka
1 BDT = 0.0025251 KWD

Convert BDT-KWD According to the Exchange Rate at Al Muzaini

By the following currency converter, you can convert from Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) to Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) by Al Muzaini Exchange rate simply, you have to enter the amount you want to convert, then press on the “Convert” button.

BDT to KWD Converter
🇧🇩BDT - Bangladeshi Taka
🇰🇼KWD - Kuwaiti Dinar
Bangladeshi Taka =
Kuwaiti Dinar
1 KWD = 396.01 BDT

Historical Trends in KWD-BDT Exchange Rate at Al Muzaini Exchange

By the following table, you can find out the changes in the exchange rate of the Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) against the Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) at Al Muzaini Exchange:

DateRate (1 KWD)Percentage Change
2025-02-23396.01 (BDT)+0.123%
2025-02-22395.52 (BDT)0%
2025-02-21395.52 (BDT)0%
2025-02-20395.52 (BDT)0%
2025-02-19395.52 (BDT)0%
2025-02-18395.52 (BDT)0%
2025-02-17395.52 (BDT)-0.123%

Historical Trends in BDT-KWD Exchange Rate at Al Muzaini Exchange

By the following table, you can find out the changes in the exchange rate of the Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) against the Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) at Al Muzaini Exchange:

DateRate (1 BDT)Percentage Change
2025-02-230.0025252 (KWD)-0.123%
2025-02-220.0025283 (KWD)0%
2025-02-210.0025283 (KWD)0%
2025-02-200.0025283 (KWD)0%
2025-02-190.0025283 (KWD)0%
2025-02-180.0025283 (KWD)0%
2025-02-170.0025283 (KWD)+0.123%

KWD-BDT Exchange Rate the Last Two Days at Al Muzaini

In the following table, You can view the Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) to Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) exchange rate in the last two days at Al Muzaini Exchange:

1 KWD396.01 BDT395.52 BDT
5 KWD1,980.05 BDT1,977.60 BDT
10 KWD3,960.10 BDT3,955.20 BDT
25 KWD9,900.25 BDT9,888.00 BDT
50 KWD19,800.50 BDT19,776.00 BDT
100 KWD39,601.00 BDT39,552.00 BDT
200 KWD79,202.00 BDT79,104.00 BDT
500 KWD198,005.00 BDT197,760.00 BDT
1000 KWD396,010.00 BDT395,520.00 BDT

BDT-KWD Exchange Rate the Last Two Days at Al Muzaini

In the following table, You can view the Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) to Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) exchange rate in the last two days at Al Muzaini Exchange:

1 BDT0.0025252 KWD0.0025283 KWD
5 BDT0.0126260 KWD0.0126415 KWD
10 BDT0.0252520 KWD0.0252830 KWD
25 BDT0.0631300 KWD0.0632075 KWD
50 BDT0.1262600 KWD0.1264150 KWD
100 BDT0.2525200 KWD0.2528300 KWD
200 BDT0.5050400 KWD0.5056600 KWD
500 BDT1.26 KWD1.26 KWD
1000 BDT2.53 KWD2.53 KWD

Convert Kuwaiti Dinar to Bangladesh Takas at Al Muzaini Exchange: Different options

You can send money from Kuwait to Bangladesh through Al Muzaini Exchange in one of these ways:

  • By visiting Al Muzaini Exchange branches: The customer must visit one of the Al Muzaini Exchange branches in Kuwait closest to him, and carry out the money transfer process through the branch or by using the self-service device.
  • Online via Al Muzaini website: The customer must register for Al Muzaini services, then log in to Al Muzaini website, then carry out the money transfer process to Bangladesh electronically.
  • Online via Al Muzaini application: The customer must download the Al Muzaini application on his mobile phone, then register for Al Muzaini services, then log in to Al Muzaini website, then carry out the money transfer process to Bangladesh electronically.

Al Mulla Exchange Rate Today Bangladesh

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KWD to BDT History in Last 90 Days at Al Muzaini Exchange

By the next chart, You can find out the exchange rate changes from Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) to the Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) at Al Muzaini Exchange:

Steps to check KWD-BDT Al Muzaini Exchange Rate at Real Time

By following the simple steps listed below, you can check KWD-BDT Exchange Rate at Al Muzaini Exchange online,

  • Visit to Al Muzaini Exchange website “from here“.
  • Press on “Buy Foreign Currency” tab then follow the next steps:
    • Choose KWD from the drop-down list.
    • Add the amount to be transferred in Kuwaiti Dinars.
    • Choose BDT from the drop-down list.
    • View the transfer value in Bangladesh Takas.

Al Muzaini Exchange Rate Kuwait Dinar To Philippine Peso

  • Or Press on “Sell Foreign Currency” tab then follow the next steps:
    • Choose KWD from the drop-down list.
    • Add the amount to be transferred in Kuwaiti Dinars.
    • Choose BDT from the drop-down list.
    • View the transfer value in Bangladesh Takas.

Al Muzaini Exchange Rate Kuwait Dinar To Philippine Peso

Steps to Send Money to Bangladesh via Al Muzaini Exchange online

You can Send Money to Bangladesh via Al Muzaini Exchange, by following the simple steps:

  • Visit Al Muzaini Exchange website “from here“.
  • Press on “Send Money” button.

Al Muzaini Exchange Rate Kuwait Dinar To Philippine Peso

  • Choose KWD from the drop-down list at right side of screen.
  • Choose BDT from the drop-down list.
  • Add the amount to be transferred in Kuwaiti Dinars.
  • Wait a little until the amount is viewed.
  • View the transfer value in Bangladesh Takas.
  • Login to your account by Typing the suitable data as in the next steps:
    • Type your user name in the suitable field.
    • Type your Password in the suitable field.
    • Press on “Login” icon.
  • Or Press on “Sign Up” icon then follow the next steps:
    • Press on “Register with Al Muzaini” icon.
    • Type your phone number in the suitable field.
    • Type your ID number in the suitable field.
    • Follow the instruction until the registration is completed.

Al Muzaini Exchange Rate Kuwait Dinar To Philippine Peso

  • Choose KWD from the list.
  • Add the amount to be transferred in Kuwaiti Dinars.
  • Choose BDT from the list.
  • Follow the instructions to send your money.

Send money to Bangladesh at Al Muzaini Exchange: Features and Benefits

You can find out benefits of Sending money to Bangladesh in the following points:

  • Speed ​​and ease Bank transfer services to Bangladesh are available within minutes for more than 35 banks in Bangladesh.
  • Competitive exchange rates as Al Muzaini Exchange offers the best exchange rates from Kuwaiti Dinar to Bangladeshi Taka.
  • Customers can choose the appropriate method of transfer from several different options as they can transfer through the bank’s branches and self-service machines which exceed 135 branches in Kuwait. The customer can also transfer online through the application and the official website of Al Muzaini Exchange.
  • Various prizes as the customer can benefit from draws and prizes when transferring larger amounts of money to Bangladesh.

Al Mulla Exchange Rate Today Bangladesh

The Best KWD to BDT Exchange Rate at Al Muzaini: Tips and Simple Steps

You can get the best exchange rate from KWD to BDT at Al Muzaini Exchange by following the following tips:

  • Choosing the right time to convert KWD to BDT: By monitoring the changes in the exchange rate of the Kuwaiti Dinar against the Bangladeshi Taka, as Al-Maziti Exchange Company provides an electronic foreign currency converter that helps track the exchange rate status to choose the best rate.
  • Choosing the appropriate transfer method: The customer must compare the exchange rates between the website, smart application, branches and self-service devices, as the transfer rates differ slightly between the previous methods according to the service fees collected by the company.
  • Monitoring the exchange rate of the Kuwaiti Dinar against the Bangladeshi Taka and choosing the time when the transfer rate is stable, as the application can be used to receive alerts when the exchange rate increases from the Kuwaiti Dinar to the Bangladeshi Taka.

Al Mulla Exchange Rate Today Bangladesh

Alternatives to Al Muzaini Exchanging KWD to INR

There are several ways to transfer money to Bangladesh, which are:

  • Transfer through Kuwaiti banks: as banks provide money transfer services abroad and foreign currency exchange services at competitive and distinctive exchange rates.
  • Transfer through exchange companies: as there are many exchange companies in Kuwait that provide transfer services through branches, through the application, or through their websites.
  • Transfer through electronic transfer platforms: which is a less reliable method that can cause problems for the customer when dealing with unreliable companies.

Questions & Answers

What is the exchange rate for Kuwait to Bangladesh?

What is the exchange rate for Kuwait to Bangladesh?

1 KWD is 396.01 BDT at Al Muzaini Exchange today.

ow much is 75 Kuwaiti dinar to Bangladeshi Taka at Al Muzaini Exchange today?

ow much is 75 Kuwaiti dinar to Bangladeshi Taka at Al Muzaini Exchange today?

75 KWD is 29,700.62 BDT at Al Muzaini Exchange today.

ow much is 20 Kuwaiti dinar to Bangladeshi Taka at Al Muzaini Exchange today?

ow much is 20 Kuwaiti dinar to Bangladeshi Taka at Al Muzaini Exchange today?

20 KWD is 7,920.16 BDT at Al Muzaini Exchange today.

ow much is 25 Kuwaiti dinar to Bangladeshi Taka at Al Muzaini Exchange today?

ow much is 25 Kuwaiti dinar to Bangladeshi Taka at Al Muzaini Exchange today?

25 KWD is 9,900.21 BDT at Al Muzaini Exchange today.

ow much is 150 Kuwaiti dinar to Bangladeshi Taka at Al Muzaini Exchange today?

ow much is 150 Kuwaiti dinar to Bangladeshi Taka at Al Muzaini Exchange today?

150 KWD is 59,401.24 BDT at Al Muzaini Exchange today.